
Manhattan Art Award 2023 Grand Prix

A public competition held by Manhattan Portage.

Date: Febrary 2023

Theme: LOVE

Web: Japanese only

LogoArchive zine is a finalist for the D&AD awards

Shortlist / Magazine & Newspaper Design / Independent Magazines / 2021

LogoArchive Akogare

LogoArchive returned with its fourth collaborative Extra Issue and first bilingual release, documenting the forms of Japanese logo design. Through the distinctive smaller format of the bound booklet LogoArchive seeks to surprise and delight with each new issue, introducing new collaborators to offer unexpected interpretations of the ubiquitous logo book. For this Extra Issue, Hugh Miller orchestrates graphic impact and material nuance to honour the unique visual legacy and craft associated with Japan.

I joined to this project as a translator (English → Japanese).

SEE MORE at D&AD webpage.


Research Assistant Grant

Summer 2019 - Summer 2020

I have been working as a Research Assistant of Professor and Designer Ian Lynam at Temple University Japan since summer 2018.


-Translating the webpage: Ian Lynam Design (English to Japanese)

-Translating a book “Modernologio” by Kon Wajiro (Japanese to English)

TURNER AWARDS 2018 Grand Prize

A public exhibition of acrylic paint works that has been held since 1990.

Date: January 2019

Title: COLOR

Size: 1160mm × 920mm

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Web: Japanese only